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Concrete Authority Versus Abstract Authority

This discussion is one of the most powerful concepts of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). This can be life-changing if applied to oneself.

Concrete authority relies on recognition from another person or an organization that is well known in the field of practice. It is formal and structured. This may come in a form of certification after undergoing training or completing a course.

On the other hand, abstract authority is attained by taking responsibility for a particular outcome by ensuring the success of a particular endeavor.

To give you an example, I observed that most successful people, referring to self-made millionaires or tycoons, rely heavily on abstract authority. Many of them are college drop-outs but one day decided to start a business and didn't give up in the process of accumulating wealth.

The problem with our educational system is that most curriculums are geared toward becoming an employee. It is not bad, but it limits the capacity of individuals to achieve more in life by molding them in a certain form and expectation instead of becoming more abstract in authority.

This concept, however, doesn't include highly skilled or technical careers such as being a doctor. Ofcourse, it will require a formal training and licensing process. But to push further beyond these careers and stand as a leader among peers, having abstract authority is very empowering.

Being abstract, on its very essence, is being responsible. One Bible character that I admire with this quality is Nehemiah. An Israelite who served as a cupbearer to a Persian king but was deeply moved by Israel's desolation because of broken walls that serve as Israel's border protection. He strives so much to rebuild the wall, that he even became a governor in the process. In the end, he completed the rebuilding after many challenges from oppositions and returned to the king afterward. Nehemiah has no special qualifications to rebuild the wall, he is a cupbearer, he is not an engineer, he is not a politician, but he did it well. His authority is abstract.

To leave a lasting legacy or impact someone's life in a very positive way does not require concrete authority. By getting into action, taking responsibility for things or systems that require change (like Nehemiah) is a mark of an abstract authority, a real leader that the kind of people the world needs to become a better place.

By being more abstract in thinking, it will remove the disempowering belief that "I have to become like this to do this," or "I need this title to have this level of influence." Expressing it in a negative way is, "I cannot do this because I am not this or I don't have this," or "I don't have this title that is why I can't do this." See how it limits the capacity and potential of an individual.

On the practical side, the question is, what skill, talent or resources do you have that you can use right NOW to help others or influence others in a very positive way?

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Author: Kristian B. Jayme, mIGNLP is a Certified NLP Practitioner by the International Guild of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He is also a Certified NLP Master Practitioner by The Academy of Modern, Applied Psychology.


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