The fundamental tenet of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is being responsible for one's own actions and thoughts and so is the outcome. Positive action yields positive results.
This is different from the Law of Attraction. You cannot achieve results by thinking about it while doing nothing. It is just daydreaming.
You may think, however, that there are things in life that we don’t have control of, that is no longer our responsibility. As Lucille Ball said, “responsibility is the ability to respond.” This is a paradigm shift from being a victim of circumstances to taking charge of one’s life.
This reminds me of the Parable of Talents as found in the Bible in the fifth chapter of the Book of Matthew. Each of us was given figurative talents (gifts, abilities, skills, resources, ideas, etc.) at the end of our lives, when we face God he will ask what you did with your talents. I believe it encompasses everything, as each of us has a unique purpose in life, we also have corresponding talents to accomplish that purpose. It all boils down to taking responsibility. If you are the bad servant who just buried the talents because of fear of losing, then you will face the consequences of inaction. On the other hand, if you will take action on what you believe is right and be responsible for your outcome, then you will surely have a reward.
Should we be responsible for our results? Yes, we should, as what we can learn from the Book of Matthew. Do we have the ability to achieve our purpose in life? Yes, we do. Should we seek our purpose in our little time here on earth? I guess we should.
In NLP, there is a so-called Cause and Effect Equation. You are either living on the cause side of the equation or on the effect side. You can identify where you are at, depending on your attitude towards life. If you will play the victim game - for example, I am poor because I don’t have the opportunity, I am bad because my parents are bad, I am sad because they don’t like me. Then you are on the effect side of the equation. You are the result of what is happening around you.
However, if you realize that you should take in-charge of your life, not blaming anyone or anything for what is happening to you. Then you are on the cause side of the equation. No one can make you sad or angry or other sorts of lingering negative emotions unless you allow them. No one can make you poor, either people or the government system, unless you allow them.
Life is about taking responsibility. We grow only when we decide to become responsible for a certain outcome. We cannot find real meaningful life unless we take responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and outcome.
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Author: Kristian B. Jayme, mIGNLP is a Certified NLP Practitioner by the International Guild of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He is also a Certified NLP Master Practitioner by The Academy of Modern, Applied Psychology.
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